Frequently Asked Question

AeroAdmin can't get online, why?
Last Updated 2 years ago

AeroAdmin works on Dynamic local TCP ports, and it connects to 443, 8080, 80 remote TCP ports. In case AeroAdmin is stuck on "Connecting to Authorization Server" or "Encrypting connection" it's 100% a firewall issue!

How to solve it?

1) First of all make sure you're using the latest AeroAdmin version and build. Click in menu Help - Check for updates.

2) You're a private user and run AeroAdmin in your home network:

a. Open AeroAdmin menu Extras - Settings - Network. Set in menu Authorization Server IP = and Port = 443

b. Click in menu Connection - Restart

Please Note: For our clients located in Turkey, please use Authorization Server IP193.124.45.101 and Port5665

Still no luck?

c. Disable your Antivirus.

Is your AeroAdmin online now?

Yes: Great. If it was your Antivirus that blocked AeroAdmin connection, kindly fill in this form.
No: please create a ticket here.

3) You're a business user and run AeroAdmin in your corporate network:

Most likely AeroAdmin and other new software are blocked by your system administrator.
a. Please, contact him and ask to allow hosts range in the corporate Firewall:

from to
or try to follow the step 2.a, 2.b

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